Meatballs pizzaiola
with AltroFood and mashed potatoes
(for 10 portions of 6 meatballs each)
Ingredients for the meatballs
600 g of AltroFood Plant Burger Pro Mix beef flavour
1,2 l of cold water from the fridge
40 g of seed oil
7 g of salt
200 g of white wine
1 l of tomato passata
700 g di water
2 poached garlic cloves
black pepper to taste
nutmeg to taste
oregano to taste
salt to taste
seed oil to taste
extra virgin olive oil to taste
For the mashed potatoes
800 g of boiled potatoes with skin
60 g of extra virgin olive oil
200 g of almond drink
3 tbsp. of nutritional yeast
salt to taste
black pepper to taste
nutmeg to taste
grated rind of 1 lemon

Mix the beef flavour AltroFood Plant Burger Pro Mix, water, oil and salt in a bowl and leave in the refrigerator for at least 40 minutes. Form into patties of approximately 30 grams and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Blast freeze. Heat a generous drizzle of seed oil in a frying pan and brown the two poached garlic cloves. Add the frozen meatballs and cook until well roasted. Deglaze with white wine and, once the alcohol has evaporated, add the tomato puree and water. Stir and simmer for about 25-30 minutes. Season with salt and finish with ground pepper, nutmeg and plenty of oregano.
For the mashed potatoes: peel the potatoes while still hot and mash them 2-3 times. Separately, heat the almond drink with all the spices and a pinch of salt to 70-80 °C. Mash the potatoes by gradually adding a little milk and working the mash with a whisk. Pour in the extra-virgin olive oil and finally the baking powder while continuing to stir. Season with salt.
Serve the mashed potatoes on the base of the plate with 6 meatballs per portion on top. Finish with oregano and a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil.
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